Tervitame teid õhtule, kus kõlab swingiv ja gruuviv muusika!
Frode Kjekstad on Norra jazzkitarrist, kes on tuntud oma koostöö ja salvestuste poolest jazzmuusikute Dr. Lonnie Smithi, Eric Alexanderi, Mike LeDonne'i, Joe Farnsworthi, Byron Landhami, Alberto Marsico, Johnny Griffini, Don Menza, Frank Fosteri ja Deborah Browniga. Ta on esinenud klubides nagu Ronnie Scott ́s Londonis ja Smoke Jazzclub New Yorgis. Kjekstad on tuntud virtuoosse kitarrimängu poolest ja on teinud palju projekte kitarri-oreli-trummide trio kontseptsioonis. Tema stiil on mõjutatud erinevatest puhkpillimängijatest ja klaverimängijatest, mida ilmestavad kontrapunktilise stiili meloodiad, ja iseloomustavad tema enda tugevad meloodialiinid ja gruuv.
Tema orelitrio põhineb nii Hard-Bop traditsioonil kui ka tuntud Ameerika Blue Note traditsioonil. Kjekstad on oma nime alt välja andnud mitu albumit, nende hulgas kaks salvestust (“New York Time” ja “A Piece of the Apple”), millel mängib Ameerika tenorsaksofonist Eric Alexander.
Eric Alexander on tuntud nimi paljudele jazzisõpradele üle maailma. Tema kodubaasis, New Yorgis võib saksofonisti regulaarselt näha mõnes mainekas jazziklubis ning ta on ka väga nõutud artist, kes esineb kogu maailmas. Ta on kauaaegne liige bändides One for All!, Mike Le Donne'i Groover Quarteti, The Battle with Eric Alexander & Vincent Herring. Ta on andnud välja üle 30 albumi, kus mängivad jazzi tippnimed, nagu Jimmy Cobb, Ron. Carter, Cedar Walton, Harold Mabern ja Pat Martino.
Frode Kjekstad – kitarr
Roy Powell – orel
Frederik Villmow – trummid
Eric Alexander – tenorsaksofon
Welcome to an evening filled with swingin’ and groovy tunes!
Frode Kjekstad is a Norwegian jazz guitarist, known from collaboration and recordings with jazz musicians Dr. Lonnie Smith, Eric Alexander, Mike LeDonne, Joe Farnsworth, Byron Landham, Alberto Marsico, Johnny Griffin, Don Menza, Frank Foster, and Deborah Brown. He has performed at clubs like Ronnie Scott ́s in London and Smoke Jazzclub in New York. He’s known for a virtuoso way of playing the guitar, and has done many projects in the guitar/organ/drums trio concept. His style is influenced by different hornplayers and pianoplayers, exemplified by counterpoint chord melodies, always charactized by his own strong melodies and groove.
His organ trio is based in the Hard-Bop tradition as well as the well known American Blue Note tradition. Kjekstad has released several albums under his own name, among them two recordings ("New York Time"& "A Piece of the Apple") that featured American tenor saxophonist Eric Alexander.
Eric Alexander is a well-known name for many jazz lovers around the world. With his homebase in New York City he can regularly be seen in some of the most prestigious jazzclubs in New York City as well as being an very much in-demand artist toruing worldwide. He’s a longtime member of One for All!, Mike Le Donne’s Groover Quartet, The Battle with Eric Alexander & Vincent Herring. He has released well over 30 albums that feature some of the top-notch names in jazz such as Jimmy Cobb, Ron Carter, Cedar Walton, Harold Mabern and Pat Martino.
Frode Kjekstad – guitar
Roy Powell – organ
Frederik Villmow – drums
Eric Alexander – tenor saxophone