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  • Philly Joe's jazz club 10 Vabaduse väljak Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10146 Estonia (map)

Collaborative Jazz Septet on ainus autentset jazzi viljelev septett Leedus, mis on inspireeritud bebopi ja hardbopi ajastutest. Koosseis esitleb oma kolmandat albumit „Man Of Culture“.

Kuna koostöö on muusiku jaoks parim viis millegi uue avastamiseks ja arendamiseks, otsustasid kaks heliloojat, arrenžeerijat ja muusikut, kuid ennekõike sõpra, Donatas Petreikis ja Karolis Šarkus panna oma muusikaline koostöö paberile. Aastate jooksul oldi küll varem tundide kaupa muusikat kuulatud, arutletud ja koos mängitud, kuid armastus jazzi vastu ja ühise loomingu esmakordselt stuudiost välja toomine pani aluse Colaborative Jazz Septeti sünnile. Karolis ja Donatas salvestasid kogu muusika, oma debüütalbumi jaoks, mis avaldati digitaalselt 2020. aasta novembris. Aastal 2022 nägi ilmavalgust nende teine album ja videoseeria „That groove“, mis on kättesaadaval nii vinüülina kui ka veebiplatvormidel.

Mindaugas Vadoklis – trompet
Karolis Šarkus – altsaksofon
Donatas Petreikis – tenorsaksofon
Jievaras Jasinskis – tromboon
Tuomas Korhonen – klaver
Mariusz Praśniewski – kontrabass
Augustas Baronas – trummid

Collaborative Jazz Septet is the only jazz septet in Lithuania that plays authentic jazz music inspired by the eras of bebop and hardbop. During this concert, the band will be presenting their third album — "Man Of Culture”.

Collaboration is probably the best way for a musician to improve or discover something new, whether through collaborations with musicians or artists from another art form – the more, the better. Needless to say, most artists understand this concept, but the key is not to forget its importance in your daily life. Two friends, Donatas Petreikis and Karolis Šarkus, who happen to compose, arrange, and play music, decided to collaborate. These musicians have known each other for many years and have spent countless hours listening to records together, engaging in discussions, and writing songs. While most of their work would typically stay inside the studio, this time was different. They put all their musical ideas on paper, and out of their love for jazz, Collaborative Jazz Septet was born.

Karolis and Donatas recorded all the music that became their debut album, which was digitally released in November 2020. Due to the pandemic, they did the CDs release shows live only in August 2021 at six cities in Lithuania. In 2022, they released their second album and video series called “That Groove,” available on vinyl and online.

Mindaugas Vadoklis – trumpet
Karolis Šarkus – alto saxophone
Donatas Petreikis – tenor saxophone
Jievaras Jasinskis – trombone
Tuomas Korhonen – piano
Mariusz Praśniewski – double bass
Augustas Baronas – drums

🎟 Piletid müügil eelmüügis Piletikeskuses kolmes hinnaklassis:
BEBOP (10 €): piiratud koguses soodushinnaga piletid kõige nobedamatele jazziaustajatele.
SWING (15 €): tavahinnaga piletid argises rütmis kulgejatele.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): viimase hetke piletid rahuliku tempo nautlejatele.

Kohapeal täispilet hinnaga 25 €.
Sooduspilet hinnaga 10 € kehtib (üli)õpilastele, õpetajatele ja pensionäridele soodustust tõendava dokumendi alusel.
Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 50 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!

Lastele kuni 12 eluaastat (k.a) ja Ukraina kodanikele on sissepääs tasuta.

🎟 Pre-sale tickets are sold at Piletikeskus in three price categories:
BEBOP (10 €): Limited amount of discounted tickets for the quickest jazz enthusiasts.
SWING (15 €): Regular-priced tickets for those who flow by the everyday rhythm.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): Last-minute tickets for those who savor a relaxed tempo.

Full-price tickets are sold at the door for 25 €.
Concession tickets for 10 € are available for students, teachers, and senior citisens upon presentation of a valid discount document.
Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's Jazz Club with the supporter ticket for 50 €. Philly Joe's appreciates your support!

Children up to 12 years old and citizens of Ukraine have free entrance.

Earlier Event: March 1
Swinging at Philly Joe's: LEE QUARTET
Later Event: March 5