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  • Philly Joe's jazz club 10 Vabaduse väljak Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10146 Estonia (map)
LIISI KOIKSON TRIO — Neljapäev, 18. juuni kl 20.00 @ Philly Joe’s jazziklubi

Soome jazzlauljanna Elena Mîndru esitleb Philly Joe’s oma uut koosseisu Elena Mîndru Finnection koos Euroopa kuulsaima viiuldaja, Poolast pärit virtuoosi Adam Bałdych’iga. Esitusele tuleb uhiuut muusikat lauljanna värskelt albumilt “Hope”.

“Hope” on lauljanna ja bändi eestvedaja neljas album. Muusika temaatika käib käsikäes kogu albumi sõnumiga: tuua tulevikuks lootust ka keerulistel aegadel ning lootus ühiselt tegutsedes planeet pääasta. Muusika kaudu pööratakse tähelepanu inimkonna väljavaadetele pidevalt muutuvas keskkonnas ja väljakutsetes, mis kaasnevad globalisatsiooniga.

Mîndru jaoks tähistab uus album julget sammu muusikaliselt eksperimentaalsemasse suunda. Osa muusikast, kaasa arvatud albumi nimilugu “Hope” on valminud pandeemia ajal, pakkudes väljapääsu rangetest piirangutest ja lootust, et olukord möödub ning inimkonna tulevik muutub helgemaks. Lugude sõnad maalivad muinasjutulisi ettekujutusi tuleviku reaalsusest, mis küll näib ähvardav, ent toob inimesi kokku, et väärtustada ühiselt oma erilist planeeti.

Elena Mîndru on oma karismaatiliste esinemisetega rikastanud Soome muusikamaastiku juba ligi kümme aastat. 2012. aastal võitis lauljanna Šveitsis Shure Montreux Voice Competition konkursil teise koha ja rahva lemmiku tiitli, mis andis talle võimaluse kohtuda legendaarse produtsendi ja konkursi žürii presidendi Quincy Jonesiga. Pärast seda on Mîndru esinenud kogu maailmas nii solistina kui ka sümfooniaorkestrite ja bigbändide koosseisus.

Elena Mîndru – vokaal
Adam Bałdych – viiul
Tuomas J. Turunen – klaver
Oskari Siirtola – kontrabass
Anssi Tirkkonen – trummid

The jazz singer Elena Mîndru brings to Philly Joe’s her new project Elena Mindru Finnection with the Polish virtuoso Adam Bałdych, one of Europe's most famous jazz violinists. The band plays brand new music from Elena Mindru's recently released album “Hope”.

“Hope” is Elena Mîndru’s fourth record as a jazz singer and a bandleader. The theme of the music goes hand in hand with the general message of the whole album, to bring hope for the future, even amid a variety of threats, and how hope and coming together for a common cause can save our planet. Through their music, the group raises an alarm signal about the prospects of humanity in a changing ecological environment as well as the challenges brought on by globalization (migration, disappearing livelihoods, cybernetics, and artificial intelligence). For Elena Mîndru, the new album is a bold step musically towards a more experimental direction. Part of the music of this album (including the title piece “Hope”) has been conceived during the pandemic period, as a way of escaping the times of hard restrictions, a way to Hope for it to come to an end, for a better future for humanity. The lyrics paint dreamlike foreshadows of a future reality that looks threatening, but that also brings people together to appreciate and nurture our unique living globe.

International level jazz singer Elena Mîndru has enlivened the Finnish music scene for almost a decade with her charismatic performance. She won the second place and the audience award at the Shure Montreux Voice Competition in Switzerland in 2012, and got to meet the legendary producer Quincy Jones who was the president of the competition’s jury. Since then, her career has been on the rise. Elena has been performing around the world as a soloist with symphony orchestras and big bands, among others.

The concert is part of the Jazz Finland’s co-production tour.

Elena Mîndru – voice, compositions and lyrics
Adam Bałdych – viulu and renaissance violin, compositions
Tuomas J. Turunen – piano and compositions
Oskari Siirtola – double bass
Anssi Tirkkonen – drums

Hope” is an affirmation of the beauty of a woman’s voice. Mîndru’s singing is very effective and she herself is confident in her vocal abilities. This can be heard across the entire width of her voice register. The brilliance of the execution of even the most difficult parts goes hand in hand here with feminine grace and delicacy. (...) The timbre of Adam Bałdych’s violin is sometimes identical to Mîndru’s voice. Inspired by each other, both artists take music to a master level. Stylistically, it is music without divisions, for anyone who is even the least sensitive to…. beauty.
— Marcin Puławski, Laboratorium Muzycznych Fuzji, September 2021

Kontserdil saad osaleda tervisesertifikaadiga, mis tõendab COVID-19 vastu vaktsineerimist või viiruse läbipõdemist.

Tõendi saad luua patsiendiportaalis ning see kehtib koos isikut tõendava dokumendiga.

🎟 Piletid eelmüügis Piletilevis ja kohapeal hinnaga 15 €.

Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 25 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!

Hinnas sisaldub agenditasu

Lastele kuni 12 aastat (k.a) sissepääs tasuta.

Kontserdil ei kehti Club One, Philly Joe's Mob jt soodustused.

Philly Joe's jazziklubi toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Tallinna Kultuuri- ja Spordiamet, meie head patroonid jpt.

🎟 Pre-sale tickets from Piletilevi and at the door for 15 €. 

Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's with the special 25 € ticket. 

Prices include agent fees. 

Children up to 12 years old have free enterance.

Club One, Philly Joe's Mob and other discounts won't be valid for this concert.

Philly Joe's jazz club is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Ministry of Culture, Tallinn Culture and Sports Department, private patreons and many more.

Earlier Event: November 5
Jazzliit ja Philly Joe's LIVE I TAMTAM
Later Event: November 9