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  • Philly Joe's jazz club 10 Vabaduse väljak Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10146 Estonia (map)

Florian Fleischer Trio, koosseisus Florian Fleischer, Alessandro D'anna ja Juuso Rinta, tuleb selle aasta veebruaris kokku, et astuda üles Lätis, Eestis ja Soomes. Selle tuuril tervitavad nad laval erikülalisena altsaksofonimängijat Toms Rudzinskist. Toms on olnud väga aktiivne liige nii Berliini kui ka Läti muusikamaastikul.

Hoolimata Helsinki ja Berliini vahelisest kaugusest on Florian Fleischer ja Alessandro D'anna koostööd teinud alates 2017. aastast. Alates 2019. aastast ühines bändiga bassimängija Juuso Rinta. Kontserdid on viinud trio nii Berliini kui ka Helsingisse, kuid samuti on nad esinenud Itaalias ja Mehhikos. Programm kõigub „Great American Songbookist“ inspireeritud jazzstandardite kitarristi originaalkompositsioonide vahel.

Seni on ansambel välja andnud kaks albumit: „You Can't Always Get What You Want“ ja „The Helsinki Tapes“. Veebruaris esitleb grupp ka uut materjali.

Florian Fleischer – kitarr
Alessandro D'anna – trummid
Juuso Rinta – kontrabass
Toms Rudzinkis – altsaksofon

The Florian Fleischer Trio, consisting of Florian Fleischer, Alessandro D'anna, and Juuso Rinta, is coming together in February 2024 to play in Latvia, Estonia and Finland. On this tour they are happy to invite special guest Toms Rudzinskis on the alto saxophone. Toms has been a very active member on the berlin and the Latvian music scene.

Despite the distance between Helsinki and Berlin Florian Fleischer and Alessandro D'anna are collaborating since 2017. Since 2019 the bass player Juuso Rinta has also been part of the group. Concerts took the trio to Berlin and Helsinki of course, but likewise they played in Italy and Mexico too. The program is oscillating between the Great American Songbook and original compositions of the guitarist who has also lent his name for the group. Until now the group released two albums: You can't always Get What You Want and The Helsinki Tapes. In February the group will also present new material.

Florian Fleischer – guitar
Alessandro D'anna – drums
Juuso Rinta – double bass
Toms Rudzinkis – alto saxophone

🎟 Piletid müügil eelmüügis Piletikeskuses kolmes hinnaklassis:
BEBOP (10 €): piiratud koguses soodushinnaga piletid kõige nobedamatele jazziaustajatele.
SWING (15 €): tavahinnaga piletid argises rütmis kulgejatele.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): viimase hetke piletid rahuliku tempo nautlejatele.

Kohapeal täispilet hinnaga 25 €.
Sooduspilet hinnaga 10 € kehtib (üli)õpilastele, õpetajatele ja pensionäridele soodustust tõendava dokumendi alusel.
Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 50 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!

Lastele kuni 12 eluaastat (k.a) ja Ukraina kodanikele on sissepääs tasuta.

Philly Joe's jazziklubi toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Tallinna Kultuuri- ja Spordiamet, meie head patroonid jpt.

🎟 Pre-sale tickets are sold at Piletikeskus in three price categories:
BEBOP (10 €): Limited amount of discounted tickets for the quickest jazz enthusiasts.
SWING (15 €): Regular-priced tickets for those who flow by the everyday rhythm.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): Last-minute tickets for those who savor a relaxed tempo.

Full-price tickets are sold at the door for 25 €.
Concession tickets for 10 € are available for students, teachers, and senior citisens upon presentation of a valid discount document.
Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's Jazz Club with the supporter ticket for 50 €. Philly Joe's appreciates your support!

Children up to 12 years old and citizens of Ukraine have free entrance.

Philly Joe's jazz club is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the Ministry of Culture, Tallinn Culture and Sports Department, private patreons, and many more.