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  • Philly Joe's jazz club 10 Vabaduse väljak Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10146 Estonia (map)

Aastal 2017 avaldas Kjetil Mulelid Trio debüütalbumi „Not Nearly Enough To Buy a House“ prestiižne Norra plaadifirma Rune Grammofon, kes töötab vaid parimate eksperimetaalse elektroonilise, jazz- ja impromuusika ansamblitega. Ja seda põhjendatult, sest trios musitseerivad koos suurepärased noored jazzmuusikud, kes on tihedalt seotud Norra Grammyde ehk Spellemannpriseni laureaatide ja nominentidega, nagu Hegge, Megalodon Collective, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra ja Wako. Kjetil Mulelid Trio seab oma muusikas fookuse klassikalisele akustilisele klaverile, esitades valdavalt Mulelidi kompositsioone, milles kõlab kaunis ja asjatundlik tasakaal energeetilise, rütmiliselt keeruka ja rikkaliku harmooniaga muusika ning meeliülendavate meloodiate vahel. Selgelt eristuv Skandinaavialik rahu ja tasahilju avanev muusikaline narratiiv astub trio koosmängus dialoogi Kjetil Mulelidi, Bjørn Marius Hegge ja Andreas Wintheri mitmekülgse lavakogemuse ja improvisatsioonidega, rikastades helimaastikku uute tasandite, toonide ja tekstuuridega.

Kjetil A. Mulelid – klaver
Andreas Winther – trummid
Bjørn Marius Hegge – kontrabass

The Kjetil Mulelid Trio released their debut album “Not Nearly Enough To Buy a House” in late 2017 on Norway’s prestigious Rune Grammofon label, with its reputation for handpicking some of the best experimental electronic, jazz, and improvised music from Scandinavia. Its artists have been heavily featured in magazines such as ‘The Wire’ and ‘Plan B’. Indeed, this piano trio consists of some of Norway’s most exciting young jazz musicians, whose members are heavily involved in projects such as Norwegian Grammy winners Hegge and Grammy nominees Megalodon Collective, and Wako, among other projects stemming from the creative milieu in the Jazz Department of the Trondheim Conservatory of Music. Here though, the focus is pared back to the classic acoustic piano trio featuring, predominantly, Mulelid’s beguiling compositions expertly balancing energetic, rhythmically complex, and harmonically rich music with beautiful evocative melodies. While the trio incorporates that sense of calm, unhurried yet constantly unfolding sound world that is distinctively Scandinavian, Mulelid, in concert with bassist Bjørn Marius Hegge and drummer Andreas Winther, effortlessly conjure additional layers, tones, and textures, based upon group improvisations, and informed, in large part, by each other's diverse musical experiences.

Kjetil A. Mulelid – piano
Andreas Winther – drums
Bjørn Marius Hegge – double bass

🎟 Piletid eelmüügis Piletilevis ja kohapeal hinnaga 15 €.

Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 25 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!

Hinnas sisaldub agenditasu

Sooduspilet hinnaga 5 € kehtib (üli)õpilastele, õpetajatele ja pensionäridele soodustust tõendava dokumendi alusel.

Lastele kuni 12 aastat (k.a) ja Ukraina kodanikele on sissepääs tasuta.

Kontserdil ei kehti Club One, Philly Joe's Mob jt soodustused.

Philly Joe's jazziklubi toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Tallinna Kultuuri- ja Spordiamet, meie head patroonid jpt.

🎟 Tickets sold for pre-sale from Piletilevi and at the door for 15 €.

Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's with the special 25 € ticket.

Prices include agent fees.

Discount ticket at the price of 5 € is valid for students, teachers, and pensioners upon presenting proof of discount.

Children up to 12 years old and citizens of Ukraine have free entrance.

– Club One, Philly Joe's Mob, and other discounts won't be valid for this concert.

Philly Joe's jazz club is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the Ministry of Culture, the Tallinn Culture and Sports Department, private patreons, and many more.

Earlier Event: November 1
Later Event: November 3
Tärn – Pärnoja – Sügis