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  • Philly Joe's jazz club 10 Vabaduse väljak Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10146 Estonia (map)

Pärast viit stuudioalbumit ja sadu kontserte mängib Wako autoriteedi ja isikupäraga, mis tõstab nad Põhjamaade jazzi tippu. Tugeva fännibaasiga Wako on tänapäeva jazzimaailmas üks dünaamilisemaid ja innovatiivsemaid koosseise, kes on pälvinud tunnustust kriitikutelt nii lähedalt kui kaugelt. Wako on tiirutanud oma alati areneva musikaalsuse ja loomingulisusega kõikjal üle Euroopa ning astunud üles nii kvartetina kui ka muuhulgas Oslo keelpilliansambli ja trompetivirtuoosi Arve Henrikseniga. Iga kontserdi kava kohandub publiku, keskkonna ja käsiloleva materjaliga, luues mitte pelgalt meeliülendavaid vaid ka unikaalseid elamusi. Lühidalt, Wako on kõige muljetavaldavam noor live-ansambel tänapäeva muusikamaailmas.

Kjetil André Mulelid – klaver
Martin Myhre Olsen – saksofonid
Bárður Reinert Poulsen – kontrabass
Simon Olderskog Albertsen – trummid

With five albums and hundreds of live performances under their belt, Wako plays with an authority and personality that places them at the forefront of Nordic jazz. Wako is one of the most dynamic and innovative groups on today's jazz scene, and has built a solid fan base and garnered recognition from critics near and far. According to Mark Sullivan (All About Jazz - US), Wako is "a Norwegian jazz collective with a real collective sound", and the previous album "Wako" (Øra Fonogram, 2020) was put on the top list of Jazzwise (UK) both in March and April 2020. Wako has taken their ever-evolving musicality and creativity with them around Europe, and done renditions of their music live both as a quartet, with the Oslo Strings ensemble, and with trumpet virtuoso Arve Henriksen, among others. The scope of the music is always carefully adjusted to the audience, environment and musical material, which means that the concerts are not only superlative, but also unique experiences. In short, Wako is one of the most impressive young live groups on the scene today. Individually, the musicians can also be seen in projects such as Norwegian grammy winner Hegge, Norwegian grammy nominees Megalodon Collective, Espen Berg trio, Kjetil Mulelid Trio and the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra.

Wako is:
Kjetil André Mulelid – piano
Martin Myhre Olsen – saxophones
Bárður Reinert Poulsen – double bass
Simon Olderskog Albertsen – drums

🎟 Piletid eelmüügis Piletilevis ja kohapeal hinnaga 15 €.

Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 25 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!

Hinnas sisaldub agenditasu

Sooduspilet hinnaga 5 € kehtib (üli)õpilastele, õpetajatele ja pensionäridele soodustust tõendava dokumendi alusel.

Lastele kuni 12 aastat (k.a) ja Ukraina kodanikele on sissepääs tasuta.

Kontserdil ei kehti Club One, Philly Joe's Mob jt soodustused.

Philly Joe's jazziklubi toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Tallinna Kultuuri- ja Spordiamet, meie head patroonid jpt.

🎟 Tickets sold for pre-sale from Piletilevi and at the door for 15 €.

Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's with the special 25 € ticket.

Prices include agent fees.

Discount ticket at the price of 5 € is valid for students, teachers, and pensioners upon presenting proof of discount.

Children up to 12 years old and citizens of Ukraine have free entrance.

– Club One, Philly Joe's Mob, and other discounts won't be valid for this concert.

Philly Joe's jazz club is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the Ministry of Culture, the Tallinn Culture and Sports Department, private patreons, and many more.