Ward Dhoore - Guitar & soundscapes
Koen Dhoore - Electro-acoustic hurdy-gurdy
Hartwin Dhoore - Diatonic accordion
Trio Dhoore koosneb kolmest Flandriast pärit vennast, keda alates 2010. aastast tuntakse oma uuendusliku, kuid sisimas flaami juurtes kinni oleva instrumentaalloomingu poolest. Vendadel on õnnestunud aastate jooksul leida üles oma muusikaline identiteet, mida on kuulajad saanud nautida juba paljudel Euroopa festivalidel, lisaks on Trio Dhoore ka üles seatud Euroopa folkmuusika auhinna “Eiserner Eversteiner” nominendina.
Värskeim album “August” koosneb üheksast peatükist ning jutustab instrumentaalse loo flaami kalurist Augustist, kes elas oma pere toitmiseks 18. sajandil üle 33 ohtlikku teekonda Flandria ja Islandi vahel ning oma allaandmatu suhtumisega inspireeris paljusid.
Trio Dhoore, is a band existing out of three brothers from Flanders, founded in 2010, know for its innovative instrumental compositions rooted in traditional Flemish music.
Through the years the brothers managed to create their own musical identity that attracted many listeners far across the Flemish borders. Highlights such as Festival Dranouter (Belgium), Rudolstadt (Germany), Shetland FMF (Scotland), Sidmouth Folk Week (England), Féte de la Vielle (France), Körro FMF (Sweden) and Kaustinen FMF (Finland) are only a few examples of their many successful festival appearances. The brothers have just been nominated for the European Folk Music Award ‘Eiserner Eversteiner’ (the final takes place in December 2019).
Their new (4th) album “August” consists of 9 instrumental chapters and tells about the story of a Flemish fisherman called August who survived over 33 dangerous journeys between Flanders and Iceland in the 18th century in order to feed his family back home. A man who did not give up. An inspiration to many.
August is a purified collection of self-written tunes by the Dhoore-brothers; the result of making music together for almost 10 years. Diatonic accordion, hurdy gurdy, guitar, and electronic effects complement each other seamlessly in the musical soundscape that this album is.