Simon Balvig (DK) – Saxophone
Rasmus Sørensen (DK) – Piano
Jon Henriksson (SWE) – Doublebass
Amund Kleppan (NOR) – Drums
Aloft Quarteti muusika nurgakiviks on akustiline kaasaegne jazz, mida iseloomustab lisaks põhjamaisusele ka pulseeriv mängulisus, milles ei kao fookusest meloodia. Originaalloominguga viiakse kuulaja retkele, mis kätkeb endas nii rõõmu kui melanhooliat. 2018. aastal avaldas kvartett oma debüütalbumi “First Year”, mida tunnustati Taani muusikaauhinnaga. “Koos mängides kõlab Aloft Quartet kui hästi õlitatud masin, mis on muusikute noorust arvestades silmapaistev saavutus,” on oma arvustuses märkinud jazzikriitik Adam Baruch.
Aloft Quartet is a Scandinavian band playing acoustic modern jazz. The music can be described as pulsing and playful with the melodies in focus – original compositions with highly structured chord progressions and grooves that seek to take the listener on a journey of joy and melancholy. The sound of the band is a distinct and dynamically varied soundscape of the four musicians merging together as one. In 2018, they released their debut album "First Year" which won them a Danish Music Award.
«The individual performances are all solid and technically perfect. Balvig is especially impressive on the baritone sax, Sorensen plays wonderful arpeggios and is exquisitely melodic, Henriksson is also very melodic and solid, keeping the quartet together and Kleppan is a versatile and precise rhythm keeper. Together the quartet sounds like a well-oiled music machine, which considering the young age of these musicians is praiseworthy.» Review of "First Year" from Jazz critic Adam Baruch (The Soundtrack of my Life).