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  • Philly Joe's jazz club 10 Vabaduse väljak Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10146 Estonia (map)

Espen Berg Trio on auhindadega pärjatud põhjamaine klaveritrio Norrast. Ansambel on müünud välja täissaale maailma eri paigus, seal hulgas ka Tokyos, Guangzhous, Kyotos ja Hong Kongis. Nende loomingus peegelduvad mõjutused Brad Mehldau, Keith Jarreti, Shai Maestro ja Tigran Hamasyani muusikast, kuid keskselt jääb kõlama siiski kollektiivi originaalne lähenemine klassikalisele klaveritrio kontseptsioonile põhjamaise heliprisma kaudu, kus panustatakse tugevatele meloodiatele, rütmilisele komplekssusele ja instrumentalistide omavahelisele mängulisele koostööle.

Jazz Critique Magazine hindas Espen Berg Triot 2020. aastal üheks kõige märgilisemaks kaasaegseks jazzitrioks ning Downbeat valis nende albumi „Free to Play“ 2019. aastal üheks olulisemaks albumiks. Selle aasta maikuus avaldab ansambel oma värske albumi „Fjære“, kus teevad kaasa rahvusvaheliselt hinnatud Norra artistid nagu Mathias Eick, Silje Nergaard ja Hanna Paulsberg. Espen Berg Trio esitleb antud kauamängivat Euroopa tuuriga ning kõikide kodumaiste jazzigurmaanide rõõmuks jõuavad nad oma ringreisiga 27. mai õhtul ka Tallinnasse, Philly Joe’s Jazziklubisse.

Espen Berg – klaver
Bárður Reinert Poulsen – kontrabass
Simon Albertsen – trummid

Espen Berg Trio is an award-winning piano trio from Norway. Outselling concert halls in Tokyo, Guangzhou, Kyoto and Hong Kong, the trio is already making a mark way outside their home country and was declared an important new voice in the crowded field of post-E.S.T. trios by Jazz Journal (UK) in 2019. Their music might bring associations to Brad Mehldau, Keith Jarrett, Shai Maestro or Tigran Hamasyan, but is primarily a personal addition to the legacy of the piano trio and the evolution of the Nordic jazzscene, lead by a combination of strong melodies, rhythmic complexity, immense technical abilities and a playful interaction.

Espen Berg Trio was declared one of the most important jazz trios in 2020 by Jazz Critique Magazine (Japan), and their album Free to Play (2019) was listed in Downbeat (US) as one of the best releases in 2019. In May 2022, their fourth album, Fjære, will be released on Odin Records, featuring three guest artists: Mathias Eick (trp), Silje Nergaard (vocals) and Hanna Paulsberg (ts). This will be marked by a release tour in Norway, Denmark, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Ukraine and Greece.

Undoubtedly one of my favourite albums of this year, “Free To Play” is a richly rewarding experience, from a trio who are proving to be not just one of the best in their field of music, but also beyond boundaries. Fabulous music that I have a feeling Iʼll be enjoying for many years to come.
— UK Vibe 5/5 stars
Like all the best music, this album reveals something new and pleasing on each successive hearing.
— BBC Music, review of Free to play (2019)

Espen Berg is described as a “true master of the piano” (All About Jazz) and is one of Norway’s most hardworking and most sought after musicians. He was awarded one of the largest and most acknowledged scholarships of his country, “JazZtipendiatet”, in 2016, and wrote a commissioned work for Trondheim Jazz Orchestra which premiered at Molde Int’l Jazz Festival in 2017. Apart from his trio he also works with artists such as Silje Nergaard, Hildegunn Øiseth, Seamus Blake and Daniel Herskedal.

Espen Berg – piano
Bárður Reinert Poulsen – bass
Simon Albertsen – drums

🎟 Piletid eelmüügis Piletilevis ja kohapeal hinnaga 15 €.

(Üli)õpilastele kehtib õpilaspileti näitamisel soodushinnaga pilet 5 €.

Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 25 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!

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Lastele kuni 12 aastat (k.a) sissepääs tasuta.

Ukraina kodanikele on kodakondsust tõendava dokumendi alusel sissepääs tasuta.

Kontserdil ei kehti Club One, Philly Joe's Mob jt soodustused.

Philly Joe's jazziklubi toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Tallinna Kultuuri- ja Spordiamet, meie head patroonid jpt.

🎟 Pre-sale tickets from Piletilevi and at the door for 15 €. 

Student tickets available for 5 € upon presentation of student ID.

Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's with the special 25 € ticket. 

Prices include agent fees. 

Children up to 12 years old have free enterance.

Entrance for Ukranians is free upon presenting proof of citizenship.

Club One, Philly Joe's Mob and other discounts won't be valid for this concert.

Philly Joe's jazz club is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Ministry of Culture, Tallinn Culture and Sports Department, private patreons and many more.