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  • Philly Joe's jazz club 10 Vabaduse väljak Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10146 Estonia (map)

World Citizen Band on rahvusvaheline kaasaegset jazzi viljelev ansambel, mis sündis 2011. aastal Berliinis. Bändi on koondunud muusikud Iisraelist, Argentiinast, Hispaaniast, Taanist ja Costa Ricalt eesmärgiga ühendada erinevaid kultuure muusika abil. Bänd sai alguse kitarristi Ramiro Olaciregui ja kontrabassisti Kenneth Dahl Knudseni omavahelisest koostööst. Pärast Saksamaale migreerumist 2011. aastal, kinnitasid Olaciregui ja Knudsen kiiresti kanda Berliini jazziskeenel mitme omanimelise koosseisu eestvedajatena. Kui nendeni jõudis ettepanek esineda Ecuador Jazz Festivalil, otsustasid kaks muusikut oma jõud ühendada, et luuga World Citizen Band. World Citizen Bandi – ehk eesti keeles maailma kodanike bändi – kõik viis liiget on kõik nomaadliku eluviisiga, sest nad on asunud rännakule oma sünnimaalt, et näha maailma laiemalt ning õppida mõistma pidevalt muutuvat jazzmuusika maailma. Võib kindlalt öelda, et nad on kõik maailma kodanikud.

Uri Gurvich – saksofon
Ramiro Olaciregui – kitarr
Marcos Merino – klaver
Kenneth Dahl Knudsen – kontrabass
Rodolfo Zuniga – trummid

The World Citizen Band is an international contemporary jazz ensemble that originated in Berlin Germany in 2011. The band gathers musicians from all over the world with the intention of uniting different cultures through music. They are Uri Gurvich from Israel, Ramiro Olaciregui from Argentina, Marcos Merino from Spain, Kenneth Dahl Knudsen from Denmark and Rodolfo Zuniga from Costa Rica.

This group began as a collaboration between guitarist Ramiro Olaciregui & bassist Kenneth Dahl Knudsen. After migrating to Germany in 2011 with the wish of expanding their musical boundaries, Olaciregui & Knudsen rapidly established themselves within the Berlin jazz scene as leaders of several groups under their own names. When asked to participate in the Ecuador Jazz Festival, the 2 musicians decided to join efforts and create the World Citizen Band. The name of this group makes reference to the current situation of a large number of musical communities over the world, in which the constant interaction between musicians of different nationalities becomes growingly evident. The 5 members of this group all have a nomadic lifestyle, for all have migrated from their country of origin in search for a broader view and understanding of the ever changing musical world of jazz. It is fair to say that they are all “citizens of the world”.

Uri Gurvich – saxophone
Ramiro Olaciregui – guitar
Marcos Merino – piano
Kenneth Dahl Knudsen – bass
Rodolfo Zuniga – drums

🎟 Piletid eelmüügis Piletilevis ja kohapeal hinnaga 15 €.

(Üli)õpilastele kehtib õpilaspileti näitamisel soodushinnaga pilet 5 €.

Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 25 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!

Hinnas sisaldub agenditasu

Lastele kuni 12 aastat (k.a) sissepääs tasuta.

Ukraina kodanikele on kodakondsust tõendava dokumendi alusel sissepääs tasuta.

Kontserdil ei kehti Club One, Philly Joe's Mob jt soodustused.

Philly Joe's jazziklubi toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Tallinna Kultuuri- ja Spordiamet, meie head patroonid jpt.

🎟 Pre-sale tickets from Piletilevi and at the door for 15 €. 

Student tickets available for 5 € upon presentation of student ID.

Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's with the special 25 € ticket. 

Prices include agent fees. 

Children up to 12 years old have free enterance.

Entrance for Ukranians is free upon presenting proof of citizenship.

Club One, Philly Joe's Mob and other discounts won't be valid for this concert.

Philly Joe's jazz club is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Ministry of Culture, Tallinn Culture and Sports Department, private patreons and many more.

Earlier Event: May 25