Million Square on Londonis tegutsev elektroakustiline duo, kuhu kuuluvad Max Luthert (elektroonika) ja Duncan Eagles (saksofonid). Koos ühendavad nad elektroonika ja kaasaegse improvisatsioonilise muusika maailmad analoog-, digitaal- ja akustiliste pillidega ning tulemus on ainulaadne ja futuristlik. Philly Joe's Jazziklubis esitavad nad muusikat oma täiesti uuelt EP-lt „Arcade“. Oma sõnul on duo lähenenud värskele EP-le veelgi süngemalt ja agresiivsemalt, jätkates modulaarsüsteemiga otse heli südamest. Võrreldes varasema loominguga on Million Square liikunud sammu võrra kaugemale.
Duo debüütalbum „Between Suns“ ilmus 2018. aastal, olles mõjutatud Autechre', Craig Taborni, Richard Devine'i, Marcus Stricklandi, Logan Richardsoni ja John Coltrane'i loomingust. Koos on astutud üles selliste artistidega nagu Shabaka Hutchings, Bill Laurance, Melt Yourself Down, Nubya Garcia ja Moses Boyd.
“Duncan Eagles and Max Luthert construct an interlocking framework of beat and blip like currents pulsing through a hot circuit board.
“Million Square are a band I’m particularly excited about. Led by two eclectic and masterful musicians. They’re on the fringe of electronic and acoustic brilliance. I’‘m looking forward to hearing much more from them.”
Million Square, the London based electro-acoustic duo of Max Luthert (electronics) and Duncan Eagles (saxophones). Together they bridge the worlds of electronica and contemporary improvised music with analogue, digital and acoustic instruments and the result is a unique and futuristic output. Tonight they will be performing music from their brand new EP Arcade.
"We have taken a darker and more aggressive approach to the music on this EP continuing with the modular system at the heart of the sound. It feels like we’ve taken what we were doing on our previous EP and pushed it further and harder."
Taking influence from Autechre, Craig Taborn, Richard Devine, Marcus Strickland, Logan Richardson and John Coltrane, the duo released their debut EP ‘Between Suns’ in 2018 and have collectively performed with the likes of Shabaka Hutchings, Bill Laurance, Melt Yourself Down, Nubya Garcia and Moses Boyd. They followed up the debut with Spirit Bloom and Seeps A Light in 2020. Next came their debut with Lo Recordings Fantasy Grounds and this marked a new approach for the band. Unlike previous EP’s all of the material was recorded live with just the modular system and saxophone. This produced a much rawer feel to the music and this is something they have continued to develop on their latest offering Arcade.
🎟 Piletid müügil eelmüügis Piletikeskuses kolmes hinnaklassis:
BEBOP (10 €): piiratud koguses soodushinnaga piletid kõige nobedamatele jazziaustajatele.
SWING (15 €): tavahinnaga piletid argises rütmis kulgejatele.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): viimase hetke piletid rahuliku tempo nautlejatele.
Kohapeal täispilet hinnaga 25 €.
Sooduspilet hinnaga 10 € kehtib (üli)õpilastele, õpetajatele ja pensionäridele soodustust tõendava dokumendi alusel.
Müügil ka toetajapiletid hinnaga 50 €, millega toetad jazziklubi tegemisi. Philly Joe's tänab!
Lastele kuni 12 eluaastat (k.a) ja Ukraina kodanikele on sissepääs tasuta.
🎟 Pre-sale tickets are sold at Piletikeskus in three price categories:
BEBOP (10 €): Limited amount of discounted tickets for the quickest jazz enthusiasts.
SWING (15 €): Regular-priced tickets for those who flow by the everyday rhythm.
COOL JAZZ (20 €): Last-minute tickets for those who savor a relaxed tempo.
Full-price tickets are sold at the door for 25 €.
Concession tickets for 10 € are available for students, teachers, and senior citisens upon presentation of a valid discount document.
Support Estonian jazz and Philly Joe's Jazz Club with the supporter ticket for 50 €. Philly Joe's appreciates your support!
Children up to 12 years old and citizens of Ukraine have free entrance.