Susanna Aleksandra – vocal
Mairo Marjamaa – sax
Jason Hunter – trumep
Holger Marjamaa – piano
Marti Tärn – bass
Jussi Lehtonen – drums
4. juunil tulevad kokku Eesti, Soome ja USA džässmuusikud, et teha suur kummardus brasiilia muusikale. Bändi liikmed on alati tundnud tugevat kirge brasiilia muusika pärandi vastu ning kutsuvad kõiki Visioon festivali külastajaid sellest osa saama. Energilist kütet tagab muusika artistidelt nagu Elis Regina, Chico Pinheiro, Tania Maria, Joao Bosco jpt.
Susanna Aleksandra on mitmekülgne jazzlaulja, helilooja ja sõnade autor. Nii traditsionaalsest kui ka modernsest jazzist, pop- ja folkmuusikast inspireeritud laulja eesmärk on jutustada lugusid, mis puudutavad, ja teha muusikat, mis pakub midagi hingele. Tema 2020. aastal ilmunud album avaldati nime all ”Souls of the Night” Jaapanis (Blue Gleam) ning rahvusvaheliselt 2021. aasta jaanuaris nime all “The Siren” (Eclipse Music). Susanna omaloominguline debüütalbum ”Miracles” ilmus 2015. aastal.
Ta on lõpetanud Sibeliuse Akadeemia bakalaureuse džässmuusika erialal professor Jukkis Uotila juhendamisel ning on hetkel lõpetamas sama kooli magistrit. 2020. aastal sai ta stipendiumi mainekasse ülikooli USC Thornton School of Music (USA), kus ta õppis Grammy-võitjate Bob Mintzeri, Vince Mendoza ja Grammy-nominendi Sara Gazareki käe all.
On the evening of June 4, jazz musicians from Estonia, Finland and the USA will gather to pay homage to Brazilian music. The members of the band have always had a strong passion for the heritage of Brazilian music and invite all visitors to the Vision Festival to take part in it. Energetic heating is provided by music from artists such as Elis Regina, Chico Pinheiro, Tania Maria, Joao Bosco and others.
Susanna Aleksandra is a versatile jazz singer, composer and lyricist. Inspired by both traditional and modern jazz, pop and folk music, Susanna Aleksandra aims to tell stories that touch and make music that offers something to the soul. Her album was released as Souls of the Night in Japan (Blue Gleam) in 2020 and internationally in January 2021 as The Siren (Eclipse Music). Susanna's debut album Miracles was released in 2015.
She graduated from the Sibelius Academy with a bachelor's degree in jazz music under the supervision of Professor Jukkis Uotila and is currently graduating with a master's degree from the same school. In 2020, she received a scholarship to the prestigious USC Thornton School of Music (USA), where she studied with Grammy winners Bob Mintzer, Vince Mendoza and Grammy nominee Sara Gazarek.
🎟 Piletid müügil kohapeal: 12€ / 15€
🎟 Tickets sold at the door for 12€ / 15€.